Soon to be your one stop shop for all your Smart home questions

Here at Just Smart Home Reviews, we have one goal. To help you make the best choices possible when it comes to products, ideas, or issues with your Smart home or any related tech. We know first hand how confusing the Smart home world can be, even more so if you’re just starting out in this world. That’s why we’re committed to helping you achieve your home automation dreams through whatever ways we can.

We fully believe a smarter world is a better world and envision the home of the future looking much different than it does now, so join us on this journey into the world of Smart home technology.

It’s me

Neil Porter

Avid tech geek and all round nerd, I’ve taken a keen interest to smart home tech while locked away from the Pandemic. Currently enjoying playing around with Raspberry Pi’s and NFC tags. On a side note, I gave ChatGPT a photo of me and asked it to make me into a Cartoon, I think it turned out good.

The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.